Why I am ?

the biggest question that never left my mind , Why I am? why do I exist ? does life have a meaning ? do I have a purpose or do I just exist cause am an accident of the universe ?

The problem that this question can’t be answered individually I could never know why I am ? if i don’t know why we  are ?  us , the universe , nature and everything that exists . I have searched for answers in science , religion and philosophy and the result was that I had more questions I was never satisfied with any answer I found .

Scientists like to believe that all of the universe was an accident something came out of nothing and that kills the question why ? I mean if that’s the case then there is no purpose for our existence and if there is no purpose then there is no value so why should we care , why should we be good and how to decide what’s good ? believing that the whole universe is an accident leaves you with more questions to ask than answers you get.
religionsReligious People like to believe that God created everything with an intelligent design  and after that he created the rules of what’s good and what’s bad and for us to prosper we need to follow those rules and the purpose of life is to be good to go to heaven or be bad and get punished in other ways the purpose of life is to prove to God that you deserve to be in heaven. Well that gives more questions than answers as well and my biggest question of all why would God do all this to test us anyway we wouldn’t be here if he didn’t create us from the first place ?   but yet I always stop and think that maybe the problem isn’t the religion as it is the people and how they understand the religion and God.


thinker-at-the-gates-of-hell.jpgPhilosophers like to believe that everything is right and everything is wrong at the same time philosophy gives you a way to think but can’t give you an answer it shows you how to think and choose for yourself but can’t tell you rules or what’s wrong and what’s right cause it has many variables if you are very good and philosophy and logic you can convince the same people with two contradicting ideas at the same time and make them really confused I love philosophy but it never satisfy you with answers actually it makes you asking question like crazy.


quote-einI know that in this post I said what many of us think of and ask , some of us think about it some chose not too as it never ends and no one has answers but I believe that we are missing those answers cause we need all these three parts of life to come together the truth needs to use science , religion and philosophy to show itself to us we should forget the details and thinks about the bigger picture we wont have answers unless we mix science , religion and philosophy I thinks many of you would say that that is not possible and that it doesn’t make sense but actually I believe that it can’t be done by it is already happening we are made of these three combined . Each human being is made from science , religion and philosophy.

You think and learn by using the scientific method , you live by your own philosophy and you have rules that you live by depending on you own morale believes .

You and me we are a mix of all three so is the truth of our existence we can’t know it unless we combine all these three parts of life.

I believe that what science , religion and philosophy explain doesn’t contradict each other , it completes each other put that in mind and everything will start to make more sense.



Branding and the way it affects humanity

The Brand is in everything in your life your car , cloth , TV , phone and everything you use has a brand but did you ever stop and think what that is , does this make any sense ? does it really make a difference ? does it affects us ?

The way I see it is that branding was originally created to make the buyer know the manufacturer and some products were better than others so some brands started to have a value of their own that’s fair they produce better products so they deserve to sell more and be more valuable but the problem is the way branding is used today , it is used to identify us not to identify the product we buy, it is used to show our quality not the quality of the product and from here it affects all human beings and humanity and in this article I will try to explain how.

How the system of the world works makes money a very important thing as with it we can get our needs but yet with it we can be controlled as I talked about in my article The System of the World – Money  earlier , that system caused us to judge people with how much money they have cause we have been taught ( Programmed ) that the ones who are richer are more powerful , happier ( even if they are not happier but it always better to cry in a Ferrari ) , more successful and special, might be true for some and yet not for others  I mean drug dealers are wealthy right ? but anyway if you have money things become easier because people think like that , Imagine this you get to a club riding a cheap used car and wearing something that doesn’t cost much money – what are the chances of you getting in imagine going with a Ferrari well all doors will open .

Ferrari is a brand I guess you already know what am about tho say next , the Brand was created to identify  the product but it used to identify the person cause it shows your status , it gains you respect from the people who were taught – programmed – to respect the wealthy. So the one who has a Ferrari is not buying it because it is the fastest car ever , he buys it because it show us how much money he has so it gains him that respect he buys the car as a way to communicate with the rest of us that he can afford to have a Ferrari  and trust me company’s know that and they are using it very well . You can put what I say to the test look up the options available in any normal car and a Ferrari , you will find a lot of differences many things that a Ferrari can do a normal car can’t but if you are not living in a country that doesn’t have any traffic regulations and you are a very good driver you wont use any of this options and most of the Ferrari owners aren’t . Think with the same logic on any of the brands and you will see how it really fits ( the brands you will find that this logic doesn’t fit them it only means that they didn’t succeed to get there ).

The bigger problem that this culture is now presented in movies ,songs , TV shows and social media company’s are doing their best to make us more and more judgmental cause that’s what makes us want more of their products , think about this if you are sitting in a restaurant and someone who is homeless came and sat next you how would you react – and if this someone was wearing a Rolex how would you react  ? you don’t know both of them they are complete strangers and yet you react differently and feel differently the difference you know is how much money they both have – think about that! you see the one’s poorer than you  are approaching you to get some of your money but on the contrary the one’s richer than you are already taking it.  

Branding is a way to make us always want more and that makes us controllable by those who have what we want , we are free and yet we have chosen to live in a cage     what will be the good of millions of dollars if there were one brand of each product then we would all be equal then we wouldn’t want more , that will make us free and they don’t want this.

The Biggest problem that it started to be the same in kids , at school the guys who wears better is more popular and gains more respect just Imaging the future if kids automatically think in a judgmental way which branding really supports cause it makes you want their products . Teach your children that their value is in what they do not on what they wear or how much money they have – ask a child if he wants to be rich and when he says yes ask him why and the answers will dazzle you.

You are not the best person cause you are riding an expensive car , your cheap car is valuable cause it belongs to you – you give value to things not the other way around objects are useless unless man uses it , create memories with it and gives it value 

be proud of what you did not what you bought.

The System of the World – Money

Introduction to the system of the world Series  :

Before we proceed with this subject we need to think first what the world is ? I guess it is safe to say that it is simply he earth we live on with everything that it includes all its elements , creatures , nature and us Humans the species that runs it all – The decision makers as I like to call us we decide the destiny of the world and of everything that lives in it , Should we keep trees or cut them down , hunt the whales or not , should we eat dogs or cows and so on we decide it all and every decision we make affects the world big time . which means that what ever he world is today it is because of us we are the world and the world is a reflection of us .

With 7.4 Billion people living in this world each is different , different thinking , different religion , different intentions etc…  so we can’t be all responsible of everything . Most of us are good citizens doing our jobs , taking care of our families and our main goal is to have a better life and be part of the growth of our countries , so who decides in behalf of all of us , who controls our decision and accordingly controls the world ?

Well I know that you think that this is another conspiracy theory article talking about how free masons and Illuminati controls the world , In fact what am trying to prove that – unfortunately – the is no planning at all no conspiracy nothing just complete chaos each act leading to the other like a domino effect but the one who started the first act never thought about how it is going to end up in the future , conspiracy theories are just our minds trying to find patterns cause we just can’t process random .

In order to investigate more and think deeper about this I have divided  the system of the world in different categories :

  • People
  • Morales
  • Money
  • politics

Money :

I wanted to start with my favorite Money 🙂 , for me money is the reason of all the trouble and pain in the world . Money is the need and the mean to get the need .

Lets dig deeper into money , if I am going to define it I will say that money is what everybody needs in order to use to get there what they need to survive and what they want to posses. Let’s think about this :  there is 7.4 billion people in the world going after the same thing , do you imagine the power of the people who have that thing . That is Huge power.

At first Money was created as a tool to facilitate trade locally and internationally , instead of trading by Bartering ( exchanging products for other products or services ) it was difficult to do so cause you needed to find someone who has what you want and wants what you have . before money people used metal coins as they don’t change by time therefore never lose their value later they starter to use bank notes ( paper money ) in order not to carry metal coins . . What that did was uniting all needs into one Money it is the only way to get all you need ( How Stupid right ? ) . See how random it was just short-term planning no intention to control or use humanity just a tool to facilitate trade , but the human mind realized that now everyone needs the same thing that money is the key to all needs how tempting ? so the great human mind – selfish and greedy – started to thinks how can I have more of that money ?

well pretty simple sell more than you buy and save the difference , so we can imagine a business man in 600 BC asking his secretary to hire more workers pay them as less as you can  so we can make more potatoes , sell more potatoes and be rich ( How brilliant ) again one random selfish single act no planning in any way just an eternal mind thinking how to make more money in his eternal life . Another brilliant business man thought well “money itself is a product !!! I can Buy and sell money” and currency trade was born if you are a Chinese trader in European land and you offer them your banknote they wont accept it is just a piece of paper with some Asian drawings on it , it  has no value at all for them so you go to the currency trader buy European banknotes and give your Chinese ones and close your deal and when another ship for china arrives but this time he is selling products to the Europeans he doesn’t accept their banknote so they go and buy the Chinese banknote from the same guy who bought from the other Chinese trader ( How smart !!!? )  and the currency trader makes money from the difference of the buying and selling process. One single random act all this guy ever wanted is to buy food for his family nothing more .

Human mind interfered again realizing that different currencies have different values depending on the need for it in international trade a, the stability and the strength of their countries  , well a very smart man thought “this means that the strength and the stability of a country is related to the strength and stability of its currency but would it go around if a currency gets weakened would weaken its country ” and currency wars was born . One single random Act. A man who wanted to weaken his enemies in order to win the war and all the world then realized how strategic money is .

That’s the Domino Effect each act leads to the other and it keeps going endlessly and suddenly we wake up to a world that all matters in it is money , and it turned from being the mean to get the need to the need it self , the need and the mean of the need .

Time passed random acts kept following each other in the Domino effect and the people who want to make more money by selling more than buying started to face a 2 problems :

  • The First Problem is that the world started to have enough of what it needs , Enough food for all enough homes enough cloth and so on , that’s scary for them cause the more people have the less people need and the less they buy so the less money they make . Here Technology and marketing came in handy , Technology creates new products and Marketing makes you believe you need this product and the world went insane . They create a cell phone and makes you depend on it in all aspects of your life and once everyone in the world has one they create a new model , faster , lighter , touch screen ,  They create cars till you can’t live without one and when everyone has a car they build newer ,faster  stronger cars . We get rid of the old stuff we bought with money and we buy the new stuff , we always want more just like zombies walking around hungry looking for something to consume. Marketing as well created the best tool ever which is Branding the mother of lies in our modern world brands made us identify each other , judge each other by what we owe ,y our car , your watch , your shoes your cell phone tells the world who you are and you unfortunately you seek that attention so you spend money of things that are worth much less than what you pay just to be a part of their community to wear their logo to show that you can afford to buy what is expensive you add value to yourself with the objects you have and that means that you don’t have any value in yourself . Dont say I am great cause I have a an expensive car  , say that my cheap car is great cause am its owner. Add value to objects don’t let objects be the value of you .
  • The Second Problem is what if you don’t have enough money to bu what they sell then how can they make money ? Well that’s  easy they hire you to do the products for them give you money in exchange of your effort and time – which means that your life becomes a product cause it could be sold or exchanged – so you can use that money to buy the products you helped to make . What if the money you make is not enough or just enough to buy the necessary things you need only – which is not in their favor – well they use the money you give them when you buy the products you make for them and they open banks with the money we give them when we buy the products they make – which we do not need – and they loan us the money so we can buy more products and yet they take interest from us against the service of loaning us the money that we gave them while we bought their products which we will use to buy more products from them which in the first place products that we make. How smart is that and how stupid are we ?!

As long as we buy stuff we do not need with money we don’t have we will always be controlled buy those who have what we need.

This is not the way our world should be.

Thanks for reading , please leave your comment with what do you think , I  really care to know.

Share if you think the idea is worth sharing .


Morality : what is good ? what is bad ?

We learn from our parents and we teach our kids that there is things we should do and things we shouldn’t , that this behavior is good but this is bad , we have to ask ourselves first what is good and what is bad how do we know and how to decide.

This question about what is moral had many philosophers thinking about it even now a days scientists do try to figure it out , some say that it comes from religion some say it comes with human experience during the course of evolution and human history as we became more experienced in life and how to live together and so we created a code of morality to live by.

In this article what i am trying to tackle with is not the origin of morality – this we will talk  about in another article – but the way how I think we should consider what is right and what is wrong , it all depends on the question why ?? 

Why your are doing an action is what  makes it right or  wrong even it is the same action , nothing is right all the time or wrong all the time it depends on why you are doing it  many will argue that whats good or bad depends on it’s consequences if it leads to a good result  it is good if it leads to a bad result it is bad well that is not the case lets imagine that I lied to you about something to put you in trouble ( That is my intention ) but i was wrong and it worked well for you ( that’s the result ) it will still be wrong and bad because my intention was to put you in trouble

Moses Others will argue that morality comes from religion but the problem in religion that it says that  things are objective but that is simply wrong , religion says that thou shalt not kill – in any case  under any circumstances – that is simply wrong we all know that if a cop is killing a terrorist    carrying a bomb and about to detonate himself  killing other hundreds of people in order  to stop him  from doing it can not be  wrong  ,that’s absolutely right he saved many souls I   know what you  are thinking right now that  from the point of view of the terrorist he is doing  the right thing so  if as i say morality depends on the intention and it is subjective then the  terrorist is as well right ,  but no because the terrorist is bombing people  which he thinks  according  to his believes must die because they follow another religion and he is certain that they are all going to hell but killing them will take him straight to heaven so that is a selfish act , the intention of  his action is that he will gain something which he is preventing the others from having it because maybe if  he let them to live more they can find their way to his god then he doesn’t need to kill them ,  actually by the terrorist doing so more souls will go to hell and only his goes to heaven – of course we are talking from his point of view – so even from his prospective and beliefs instead of bringing this people to his god taking them to heaven with him he was so lazy so he used the guaranteed way for him to reach heaven and he didn’t care about others going to hell,  he did a selfish act which is a bad intention therefor it makes his action wrong and from my point of view this applies on everything  we can think of regarding the subject of morality. ( but this opens a new question why selfishness is wrong from the first place , this we will discuss further in following articles )


verdictLets think of another example to make things more interesting if a judge sentences someone to death but that man happens to be innocent in this case the judge is right or wrong ? Exactly it depends if  he knew that the man is innocent or no before he decided it depends on his intention , but at the end an innocent man died that is not fair that’s not Just , unfortunately we are human we have limited abilities and knowledge no matter how hard we try we can get so near to perfection but we will never reach it in order to punish the guilty some innocents will be sacrificed that’s the ugly truth  . ( in upcoming articles we will talk more about what is Justice and if our system is achieving it or not ) .


parent-yelling One more example a father who decided to punish his kids in a very strict way  when  they do something wrong and to be very though and aggressive to them , in his mind  this is the best way to raise his kids , he loves them too much so he thinks that being  though on them will prepare them and make them stronger while facing this unfair and  unjust life waiting for them when they get older , his intentions are good even though it  affected his kids badly but on my scale of morality he is not a bad person he is just  ignorant and stupid but as long as he didn’t do it in purpose to hurt them then this man  is not a bad man but a man that we all wish that he got a better education so he can    learn the best way to raise his kids


My theory about morality that it all depends at the same exact moment of the action itself and it is not related to the past that led to it or the future consequences that will occur because of it , it totally depends on your intention while doing the action on the exact present moment of doing it .


There is endless possibilities and scenarios ,  please if you have any scenario in your  mind post it in a comment and let us discuss if this theory will apply to it  or not.

The Super power of the ?

The Question Mark is the human super power . we progressed , invented stuff and dominated earth by asking questions about everything we see and the answers we find shapes our present and help us design our future, at the same importance comes the questions that we never ask cause there lies all the information that we will never get to know.

Recently we stopped asking enough questions we are very busy living so we don’t have time to understand the life we live in or even understand ourselves we stopped wondering about life , existence and even about things we see and hear everyday in our lives. 

In our blog Five W’s we will be dedicated to ask questions that matters to all of us , our goal is to be able to find answers and motivate others to think and wonder about everything . 

We will be discussing everything from politics , socialism ,religion , morals , addiction  , Self improvement and development and many more other ideas that we will go through together using our super power of the ? Question Mark 

Please follow and like our page if you wanna go to that interesting journey with us and share with others . Let’s doubt , think and figure things out 

Let’s try to make sense of life if it makes nay sense at all .